In one sitting, one is reading Agatha Christie and Chandler. And Viktória Lugosi. Yes, definitely Viktória Lugosi. From start to finish. Who is this woman? Where did she come from? Did she just pop out of Zeus’s head? Fully armed? Quite impressive. And she bears the kiss of the muse. On her forehead. The kiss of the muse or of the eternal?
In one sitting, one is reading Agatha Christie and Chandler. And Viktória Lugosi. Yes, definitely Viktória Lugosi. From start to finish. Who is this woman? Where did she come from? Did she just pop out of Zeus’s head? Fully armed? Quite impressive. And she bears the kiss of the muse. On her forehead. The kiss of the muse or of the eternal?
It has been quite some time since readers last had the chance to acquaint themselves with a character sketched with such insight and love, and in such refined pastel colors. The character of the grandmother in Oy vey, who seems almost an archetype of the Yiddish mame, can be placed—with no comparison of the artistic depictions—alongside Péter Esterházy’s imposing portrait of the figure of the father in his family tableau, Harmonia Caelestis, and the characters of the mother and father in the novels of Miklós Vámos
The life of a family in Budapest in the 1960s from the perspective of a little girl, but not just any little girl. She is sensitive, unfailingly sincere, and also full of understanding and love. The characters are vivid, loveable and unbearable, as if they were the very members of her own family… Precise, bold, amusing, and shaking. A wonderful read
Migratory Lobster offers engaging portraits of the winners and losers of the past several decades. I particularly enjoyed the wealth of precise details in the sketches and the way in which the objects and moods of the late Kádár era, the fall of socialism, and the new, wild capitalism emerge in the text again and again so vividly, with an almost dazzling vitality
From time to time, you pick up a book and start to read, and then you notice, though you went to bed early, that the sun is almost rising and you haven’t slept a wink. You devour every page, because you want to know what will become of the masterfully crafted characters. And by the time dawn has come, you know that Viktória Lugosi has won yet another devoted fan
Superbly told stories and skillfully sketched portraits rich with detail
A masterpiece of character sketches. I confess, it has been a long time since a book has so captivated me.
Örülök, hogy kitűnő könyve első olvasói között lehettem. Elragadott a humora, finom iróniája s az a belülről fakadó derű, ami nélkül nem lehet jó gyerekkönyvet írni. Tetszett a fordulatos történet, az ellenállhatatlan mesélőkedv, s az is, hogy tudja, a gyereknek nem kell gügyögni, szájbarágni. Persze, a felnőtt olvasó is örömét lelheti benne, akárcsak én. A névadásról csak annyit, mind egy-egy telitalálat, ha nem haragszik érte, bevallom, Egygár és Kétgár láttán a sárga irigység is kerülgetett. Írjon még sokszor a gyerekeknek. (Meg nekem.)
A Hümmögő nem nélkülözi a fantáziát, tud mesélni, nem nézi értelmi fogyatékosnak a gyereket, és gondosan megrajzolt világot teremt. Egy csomó jó hagyományt követ, a névadás ihletettsége az egyik. Empilla, Szilencium vagy Dezin Ficiál nem marad le Téglagyári Megálló mögött...Lugosi született optimista: a valóba is belelátja a csodásat. A történetvezetés sem bukdácsol, a darabból árad a derű és a mesélőkedv. A főhősök különböző méretű kavarásokra kényszerülnek; a történet rajzfilmre termett.
Felhőtlen szórakozást ígér Lugosi Viktória gyerekkönyve, a Hümmögő... A történet, bár helyenként nem titkoltan didaktikus, egyetlen percig sem magyaráz túl semmit, nem vonja kétségbe a gyerekek értelmi képességeit, ha mégoly hangsúlyos érzelmi kérdések megértéséről van is szó.
Viktória Lugosi was born in Budapest in 1962. Her first novel, Ajvé, was published in 2000 and has since gone through five editions. It shows the world of Hungary during the Kádár era through the eyes of a little girl while telling the story of three generations of a Jewish family with delicate humor and profound insight into human nature.
Her novel Dafke (2009) offers the reader humorous and moving snapshots of the upheavals and devastation caused in the life of a family by infertility.
Hümmögő, Lugosi’s fairytale novel, won the Ibby Prize for Children’s Book of the Year soon after its publication in 2002.
Migratory Lobster was published in 2018. The second edition is already available in bookstores.
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